Monday, March 3, 2008

Ancient Egyptians

At first glance, the ancient Egyptians and their gods appear formal and distant from everyday life as we know it. The impressive remains of vast temples, massive pyramids, rows of carvings in relief, stylized images, and rigid postures, along with their amazing paraphernalia of wealth, is evidence of ancient Egyptians pomp and power. Yet the details within these colossal remains-the methodical paintings depicting daily life, the meticulous care with which the dead were attended to-attest to a highly complex religious life. The extensive number of Egyptian gods and goddesses, the complex combinations of their names, the overlapping of their roles, and the multiplicity of local variations on their myths weave a complex web that is as confusing as it is fascinating.

King Farouk & Khedive Ismail Pasha

King Farouk

King Faud  Queen Nefertiti

Post Day Giza Pyramids

Pharaonic Dresses

Ancient Minarets

Wood Statue, Princess Nefert., Prince Ra-Hotep

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